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How much it cost to go to lvl 65?πŸŽ‡


No it does not cost of course to go to level 65 but what we mean is that you will be needing to upgrade your weapons. Our calculations will be judged by mostly used layouts and through lvl 55 to lvl 65.


If you have a layout full of legenderies and you upgrade with gems every 2 levels it will cost you:

700x6(guns) = 4.200 gems (minimum in case we did a mistake)


If you have a layout full of mythicals and you upgrade with gems every 2 levels it will cost you:

1075x6(guns) = 6.450 gems (minimum in case we did a mistake)


If you have a layout of 5 legenderies, 1 mythical and you upgrade with gems every 2 levels it will cost you:

700x5 + 1075 = 4.575 gems (minimum in case we did a mistake)


If you have a layout of 4 legenderies, 2 mythicals and you upgrade with gems every 2 levels it will cost you:

700x4 + 1075x2 = 4.950 gems (minimum in case we did a mistake)


If you have a layout of 3 legenderies, 3 mythicals and you upgrade with gems every 2 levels it will cost you:

700x3 + 1075x3 = 5.325 gems (minimum in case we did a mistake)

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