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Thursday, December 12, 2019

New report system!


With our report system you may report any PG3D player you want. We will make sure for him/her to be 100% banned. Why you should report him/her to us? Our team will try to evaluate your information provided by you & then forward it to the PG3D team without you bothering doing this and having to care whether the user you reported has been banned or not because if we agree that the info you provided us are valid then we will make it 100% sure that he/she will get banned.

How long does this take?

Well..depending on the PG3D team.

How to report?

Send us an e-mail in: pg3dinfo@gmail.com with the following info

  • Your user ID
  • The reported user's ID
  • Images that show him/her breaking rules
  • Links (if any) that show him/her breaking rules
  • Detailed description of what he/she did
  • How did you find he/she hacked

Note that we can decline any reports given to us. Although we might be wrong. If we decline please give the info you gave us directly to the PG3D staff and they can validate themselves the info.

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