General info
Many goods have been released with the new X-Mas update. In this post we will be showing you highlights of this update.
Trader's Van
They added exclusive trader's van! it has unique skins that give your guns damage! They also made it very cheap to upgrade certain weapons like Black Mamba and Big Buddy to max (with coins) no matter the level you are.
Cool Krampus skin
This is one of the most unique and BEST skins that PG3D made and released! Let us see your thoughts in the comments or e-mail.
Krampus Lottery
Yep! Krampus lottery! (This is were you get the Krampus skin) a great lottery with great weapons and goods.
Mouseking set
Excellent set! Great weapons with unique skins and stile too!
Battle pass
Of course there will be a new battle pass. We admit that is one is one of the best ones released! Even the first weapon is OP!
NOTE: We will make pages reviewing every single gun with details in the following 24hours! Stay tuned.
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